Monday, 9 June 2014

Evangelism- my views

Whenever I go shopping I am approached by Christians demanding to know if I am a Christian or not. When I tell them that I am an atheist I am then bombarded by questions and bible verses in the hope that they will convert me to Christianity.

"You do realise that atheism is a sin and you will go to hell?"
"I will pray for you"
"You're young, you'll find God one day"
"It's okay, God still loves you."
"Everyone in their heart knows that God is the truth."
"You're only 16? You're probably just confused about your beliefs right now."

These are just some of the many things I hear from Christians. 
Personally, I find it annoying. I don't go into town to be questioned by Christians, I go into town to see my friends and go shopping. I find it especially annoying when evangelists shout their beliefs at me through megaphones. In fact, just last week when I was in town I experienced such an event. During the Christian preaching a woman fell to the ground as she was having a seizure.  The Christian preacher looked at the woman then turned to the crowd of people surrounding him (most atheists trying to counter argue what he was saying) and told everyone that the woman was having a seizure because she was possessed by the devil. 
I was with my friend at the time, and we both turned to each other in disbelief. We found it outrageous that he had the nerve to say such a despicable thing.
What do you think about that? Do you think it's right? What is your view on evangelists?
In my life I have never seen atheists trying to dissuade people from faith in a public place. I find it quite offensive when religious people attempts to convert me to their belief. It's my life and I would appreciate it if they let me live it the way that I would like to live it. With my own beliefs.


  1. We live in a modern age, cant believe we still have to put up with idiotes misinterpreting illness for devil possession.

    1. I know, it's hard to believe people can be so ignorant. It's 2014 for crying out loud! Amazing how some people are stupid enough to put illnesses down to possession, kind of scary too.

  2. I agree with the previous comment. Hard to believe in this day and age people can be so stupid as to believe in possession. Pretty heartless of him if you ask me.
