1. For the most part, intelligent people are extremely analytical. Religion makes many claims that completely contradict science (e.g. Man was made from dust, Jesus walked on water, the world is 6000 to 10000 years old etc). Due to this many intelligent people disregard religion as it seems completely implausible and illogical to them.
2. People of high IQ do not normally conform to society. By this I mean that intelligent people are less gullible; in many societies there are many more religious people than there are atheists.
3. Intelligent people desperately crave answers to their questions. God, to the logical mind, does not seem like an answer to their questions- they see religion as more of an unstable bridge across the void of unknowing; something that is unsafe, and impermanent- eventually a more substantial bridge across the void will form but science is laying it's bricks slowly and carefully. Until the day that the metaphorical scientific bridge is built, intelligent people will have to remain on their quest for truth as they help to lay the path of reason (I'd just like to point out now that atheism in the world is growing quickly- due to more easily available access to knowledge, better education and scientific advancements?).
Personal factors such as environment and personality also play a huge part in determining ones faith or lack of faith.
I am sure there are also many more facts regarding this correlation, if you know of any more please feel free to comment them.
I hope this post made sense and is of interest! Sorry if it's not very on point, I am writing this in the midst of my IGCSE religious studies revision as my exam is tomorrow! Hope you're all good, what do you think of this correlation? Opinions would be great to hear.
Good luck in your exam tomorrow x