Friday 28 February 2014

What is Atheistic Satanism?

As a former Satanist, I never worshiped any devil.
Satanism is about putting yourself above those who are seen as 'inferior', or sheep. Satanists are about bettering themselves, loving those in your life with all of your heart, and to ignore the sheep. It is about self respect, and is VERY opposed to drug use, violence and everything else that has been portrayed as 'satanic'. Most Satanists I've met are very learned. Well read about all different religions. And they do NOT sit around trash talking Christianity. They respect those who have their own values and faith, as long as they don't shove it down our throats!
Satanism is a form of atheism, with a twist! Do not fear them!
I still believe firmly in the Satanic ways, however the Church of Satan has become very corrupt, and its values are being destroyed.

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